Listen to lessons

Every year, our teachers record lessons for International Feldenkrais Week.

The lessons are here to stream (listen to) or download (keep) for your personal use and to share with friends or family. They are not for commercial use – thank you.

International Feldenkrais Week 2024

To mark International Feldenkrais Week and the anniversary of the 120th birthday of Moshe Feldenkrais, we celebrated with the launch of a series of free online Awareness Through Movement (ATM) recordings.

Six ATM lessons, which fall under the theme of ‘Transitions’, were made by teachers Sharon Gimpel, Hannah Wheeler, Josephine Horder, Scott Clark, Shelagh O’Neill and Kristin Fredricksson.

Further information about each of the lessons can be found here.

Finding a lesson to suit

Scroll down to view the catalogue. Click the small white triangle to choose a year and see a list of lessons. Each lesson has a descriptive name, its duration and the position(s) for doing the lesson. Which do you fancy?

Full catalogue of audio files

Title/Author/Duration/Position Position Description

Starting Young, Feldenkrais & Early Development – A Conversation with Sue Wright

Thomas Wiedmer
35 minutes

A conversation between Sue Wright, body-oriented psychotherapist and author, trained in the Feldenkrais method and Thomas Wiedmer, a Feldenkrais student teacher and architect.

In this conversation you will hear about a project which brings the Feldenkrais Method into a special needs school and how it has a positive impact on the children there, about how important it is to keep learning and continue to be curious in life and about how Feldenkrais movement processes help to balance function and emotion in early and later life.

Reaching with a Soft Hand

Yeu-Meng Chan
19:56 minutes
Sit (chair)

A lesson by Yeu-Meng Chan.

From the 2020 series “One Method, Many Ways”.

Unwinding the Body Pattern of Anxiety

Kristin Fredricksson
19:32 minutes
On back, Stand

A lesson by Kristin Fredricksson.

From the 2020 series “One Method, Many Ways”.

Returning to Hands and Knees

Judit Meixner
22:51 minutes
All fours, On back, Stand

A lesson by Judit Meixner.

From the 2020 series “One Method, Many Ways”.

Walking like a Cat (especially for kids)

Emma Alter
16:06 minutes
On back, Stand

A lesson by Emma Alter.

From the 2020 series “One Method, Many Ways”.

Mindful Listening

Maggy Burrowes
28:09 minutes
On back, On side, Sit (chair), Sit (floor)

A lesson by Maggy Burrowes.

From the 2020 series “One Method, Many Ways”.


Alex Frazier
10:40 minutes

A lesson by Alex Frazier.

From the 2020 series “One Method, Many Ways”.

Standing on the Highest Point of the Hip

David Warden
15:38 minutes

A lesson by David Warden.

From the 2020 series “One Method, Many Ways”.

Exploring the Cat-Cow or Marjayasana Pose

Nikhila Ludlow
19:20 minutes
All fours, On back

A lesson by Nikhila Ludlow.

From the 2020 series “One Method, Many Ways”.