Advanced Trainings

On this page you can see details of Advanced Trainings for practitioners. These are privately organised, not Guild-organised events – for Guild days and FGUK trainings please see the calendar of events.

Advanced Training with Victoria Worsley

Towards Lying on the Front

Date: Saturday 8th & Sunday 9th February, 11:00 – 17:00
Venue: The Clod Ensemble, #C2, Design District, 3 Cripps Yard, Soames Walk, London SE10 0BQ
Cost: £150

This is the first of a new series of advanced training with Victoria in the Clod Ensemble’s beautiful space just a few stops from London Bridge. Designed for newer or returning practitioners (but open to all!), the series will offer opportunities to refresh, clarify, practice and improve the fundamentals of your Functional Integration practice – in both strategy and technique – and consider the relationship to Awareness Through Movement (ATM) lessons as well.
Lessons lying on the front offer us many possibilities for learning, but often we have students who find lying on the front difficult, uncomfortable or simply not possible for different reasons.  Often we have to adapt, think how to find those possibilities in other positions.

So in this first two-day workshop we will address the preliminary questions:

  • What can make lying on the front a difficult position for our students? How can we make it easier?
  • Why might we want to choose a lesson lying on the front? What does it enable?
  • How can we address all these questions by exploring FI (and ATM) lessons lying on the back or side instead?

Of course two days is too short to cover everything, but we will delve into as much as we can through discussion and sharing ideas as well as practice. And of course there is always the next workshop…

The workshop is open to qualified Feldenkrais Practitioners & those in their 4th year of professional Feldenkrais Practitioner training.

For more information head to:
To contact Victoria, email:

Please Bring:

  • A mat or blanket (We have a limited number at the studio if needed)
  • Table and rollers: we will have a few only, so please bring if you can.

Victoria Worsley qualified in 2007 from Lewes 4 after 20 years as an actor and theatre maker. She has a busy practice in North London for the general public but also specialises in working with actors and runners. She became an Assistant Trainer in 2021 and was invited to teach her first weekend of Advanced Training in Amsterdam in February 2024. Her book “Feldenkrais for Actors” was published by Nick Hern in 2016 and has so far been translated into Italian (Korean translation pending!). She holds a 2nd dan black belt in GojuRyu Karate.

Advanced Training with Sabine Blackaby

‘Using props in Functional Integration lessons’, 22-23 March

In this third Advanced Training we will explore how using props can enhance Functional Integration lessons. We will consider how using rollers (big and small), egg balls, balls, blankets, pads etc. can enrich our clients sensory-motor experience and contribute to a meaningful learning situation. When do props add and element of safety, curiosity and playfulness? And are there situations when using them is not appropriate?

The weekend will be collaborative drawing on your prior learning and expanding it further. There will be again a mixture of theory, ATM, FI and small group work.

While teaching this Advanced Training I will draw upon my experience of my long private practice, the Feldenkrais Mentoring course I attended with Larry Goldfarb and my experience working with students in Feldenkrais trainings.

Date: Saturday 22 & Sunday 23 March 2025
Time: 10.30-16.30
Venue: Unit 4, 26 Round Hill Street, Brighton BN2 3RG
Cost: £150.00 (£50.00 when booking, remainder on 8 March 2025)

Please email for more info or to book.

Advanced Training with Shelagh O’Neill

Internal and external reference in FI and ATM with a focus on the relationship between legs and pelvis, 29-30 March

We will continue to explore how ATM updates our internal sense of self, and how we can take this into FI.

In a way, ATM is what keeps our FIs honest. It’s possible to give a very good FI by relying on our knowledge of anatomy and the ‘moves’ we have been taught. But when we work from personal kinaesthetic understanding there is a much deeper communication.

We’ll start each day with a good solid ATM to get this knowledge into our bones, and then allow these findings to inform the subsequent discussion and the FIs we give each other.

The theme this time will be the relationship between the legs and the pelvis.

Lifting my leg and having my leg lifted are two different experiences, even though the skeletal movement is the same. It is as if the active use of muscles can obscure the skeletal possibilities.

Time: 29th & 30th March 10-4pm

Cost: £150 (please get in touch if you are struggling at this time and need some support with costs)

Payment can be made to Shelagh via the link on her website:

Venue: Hebden Therapy Centre, 9, Wragley House, Valley Road, Hebden Bridge, HX7 7BN

Booking: contact me Caroline Scott

Accommodation: As well as Airbnb there’s

Advanced Training with Olena Nitefor

ATM to the Depth of FI on the theme of Transitions, 22-26 April

Venue: The Underhall, Stretford Public Hall, Chester Rd, Stretford, Manchester M32 0LG

Cost: £460 (early bird with a £200 deposit paid by end of February) or £540 (Full price)

Places are limited to low 20’s . Open to 4th year student practitioners

Contact: Anne Robertson,, 07951 728862

Advanced Training with Sabine Schmid Blackaby

Working with children, 24-25 May

In this Advanced Training we will consider how we can use the principles of the Feldenkrais Method and apply them to working with children in individual lessons. Even if the philosophical and theoretical ideas stay the same, practically we might need to adapt our approach from working with adults to working with children. Many elements will be consistent but there are also distinct differences to think about.

What if the child does not want to lie on our Feldenkrais table? Or doesn’t want to lie down at all and can’t stay still? What if the child we are working with does not like to be touched? Or doesn’t agree to suggestions we are making? What if the child’s understanding and communication skills are limited and we are not sure if we are helpful?

How can we engage children in a lesson and help them to connect better to themselves? How much should we guide in a lesson or let the child choose the activities? How do we create a meaningful learning situation despite possible challenges?

Are we using props, toys and movement games? Music, songs, rhythms? Or are we offering ‘pure’ Feldenkrais?

How much should we involve the parents in a lesson?

During this weekend we will try to answer some of these questions and I will endeavour to be as broad in my teaching to include working with children of various ages and abilities. We will explore suitable ATM’s and FI ideas and there will be ample opportunity for questions and discussions.

While teaching I will draw on my experience working with babies and children who develop typically or experience special needs; on my Child’Space training and teaching and on being a mother.

The Advanced Training is open for practitioners and students in their 4th year of training.

Venue: Unit 4, 26 Round Hill Street, Brighton BN2 3RG
Time: 10.30-16.30
Cost: £130.00 (£35.00 when booking, remainder on 6 May)
Booking: Please email

Advanced Training with Garet Newell

Garet Newell will an advanced training on the theme of ‘Intelligent Feet’ on Saturday 12 and Sunday 13 July at Adastra Hall, Hassocks, W Sussex.

Save the date – further details to follow.

Advanced Training with Olena Nitefor

London, 13-16 November

Theme: TBC

The main emphasis is on FI skills including handling, thinking, strategising functionally, keeping a global context even when working locally and of course a grounding in functional anatomy. Each day we will do an ATM to prepare us for FI work and lead us to greater functional understanding. After the training, there will be a Zoom follow-up session.

Olena Nitefor, M.Ed.  (GCFP since1987) maintains an active practice in Toronto. She has assisted through five trainings with diverse trainers and has taught close to 2,000 hours of advanced training and mentoring groups in Europe, the US and Canada. With her background in anatomy, dance and kinesiology, she brings experiential and conceptual anatomy into her teaching in innovative ways.

Date: Thur 13 Nov – Sun 16 Nov 2025

Time: Thur, Fri & Sun: 10.30am – 5.30pm and Sat: 3pm – 8pm

Venue: Centre 151, 151 Whiston Rd, Haggerston, London E2 8GU

Learning resources: Olena will film the FI demonstrations and audio record the ATMs.

Tables: tables are not provided. If you wish to work on one, please bring your own.

Fee: TBC

Contact:  Super excited about the upcoming journey with fellow certified Feldenkrais practitioners. If you are interested drop me a line: