01 June 2021 - The Feldenkrais Method
Caroline Scott, Linzi Smith, Anne Robertson

Research into Feldenkrais & neurological issues

Here is a selection of links to research studies, relating to Feldenkrais and neurological conditions, newest first.

Feldenkrais ‘Functional Integration’ Increases Body Contact Surface in the Supine Position: A Randomized-Controlled Experimental Study
Matthias Brummer, Harald Walach & Stefan Schmidt


The Effectiveness of the Feldenkrais method: a systematic review of the evidence
Susan Hillier & Anthea Worley


Future Directions for Research in the Feldenkrais Method
J Stephens PhD PT CFP


Effects of Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement on Balance in Adults With Chronic Neurological Deficits Following Stroke: A Preliminary Study

Glenna Batson, PT, MA & Judith E. Deutsch, PhD, PT
Complementary Health Practice Review vol 10 no 3 October 2005 pp 203-210


Use of Awareness Through Movement Improves Balance and Balance Confidence in People with Multiple Sclerosis: A Randomized Controlled Study

James Stephens, Dominique du Shuttle, Carla Hatcher & Jennifer Shmunes
January 2001
Journal of neurologic physical therapy: JNPT  25(2)
