About Moshe Feldenkrais

Founder of the Feldenkrais Method

Moshe Feldenkrais (1904-1984) was a distinguished physicist, engineer and judo master who devised the Feldenkrais method in response to his own knee injury.

Despite being given little hope of ever walking normally, Feldenkrais refused surgery. Instead he looked for clues about how to heal himself through his extensive knowledge of neuroscience, biomechanics, psychology, engineering and martial arts .

He explored non-habitual movement patterns in a playful, effortless, curious way. This approach prompted his nervous system to update restrictive habits that were causing him problems. He learnt to move more easily.

To achieve lasting, radical change, Feldenkrais discovered it was important to work with the whole body and the whole self.

His insights contributed to an emerging field of somatic education. They continue today to influence disciplines such as physical medicine, gerontology, the arts, education and psychology.


Moshe Feldenkrais, a Biography by Scott Clark

Thoughts on Pain, Habits, Awareness and Health by Moshe Feldenkrais