Baby and child development

We are all born with a natural capacity to learn through feedback from our sensory intelligence.  Feldenkrais can be of benefit when the developmental process becomes interrupted or stuck.  Our approach is gentle, playful and harnesses your child’s natural instinct to move, be curious and explore.

Developing potential

Through touch and movement, the method can help build connections between the body and brain to improve your child’s potential for learning and change.

Calming approach

A practitioner will be respectful of how your child is already moving and help them develop from there. This approach calms the nervous system, allowing your child the space to hone their internal sensory intelligence so they can learn naturally and organically. 

Encourages agency

 As their body and brain start to work together with more synergy, your child will begin to feel more connected to a clearer sense of themselves. They can co-ordinate their own movements, express their choices and have more agency in their everyday life.