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The International Feldenkrais® Federation (IFF) supports research related to the Feldenkrais Method® as well as the collection and dissemination of information regarding relevant scholarly publications for the benefit of the international community. It does so through the Feldenkrais Research Journal, the Research Working Group, and an open-access Reference Database.

Feldenkrais Research Journal

The Feldenkrais Research Journal was launched with the first Volume in 2004. Since then it has served as a publication outlet that brought together Feldenkrais practitioners interested in research and scholars interested in learning more about the Feldenkrais Method®. Its open-access full-text archive is a repository of a wide range of perspectives on the possibilities and challenges of studying the Feldenkrais Method in relevant, systematic, and rigorous ways.

Feldenkrais Reference Database

The reference database aims to collect and showcase all available high quality research publications related to the Feldenkrais Method®. It serves as an easy-to-access repository for people interested in Feldenkrais research – clients, practitioners and scholars.