12 July 2021 - The Feldenkrais Method
Lou Coleman

Baby and child development, how Feldenkrais helps

From birth babies explore their world by being guided by their sensory intelligence.

It could be your child is already making their way through the traditional child development stage and are wanting to move onto the next developmental stage but they are a little stuck. Working with a Feldenkrais practitioner your child will begin to feels more connected to themselves, be able coordinate their own movements and have more agency in their everyday life.

Learning, the non-verbal way

The Feldenkrais Method® engages your child’s natural capacity to learn through the non-verbal internal systems of touch, proprioception (body position) & vestibular (movement) systems. Learning through movement fosters the inbuilt neuroplasticity of the brain, helping to integrate new movement patterns for better everyday functioning.

Our ethos

Practitioners are not looking to fix or correct, but are respectful of how your child is already moving, using your child’s abilities as a springboard for further discoveries. Gently and playfully, a practitioner will invite your child to move, be curious and explore. A Feldenkrais approach calms the nervous system down, inviting your child to feel and listen to their own internal sensory intelligence. Their body and brain will start to work together with more synergy.  

From here they can move with more choice and connection with the people and objects in their world.
