Andrew Dawson

Feldenkrais Training: Lewes 1994

37 Lorne Road, Stroud Green N4 3RU

020 8374 3836
Individual lessons: Contact me for details


I work with with all sorts of people with a leaning towards actors and performers


He began his career studying dance with Merce Cunningham, theatre with Phillipe Gaulier, Monika Pagneux, Jacques Lecoq. He has created and performed numerous performance works from Space Panorama, to Absence and Presence. He is a Movement Director at English National Opera and Metropolitan Opera, New York, working on operas Dr. Atomic and The Pearl Fishers He was a lead puppeteer in the opening ceremony of the London 2012 Olympics. With an arts awards from Wellcome Trust he created The Articulate Hand, featuring as 3 talks at TEDMED in San Diego. He gives workshops in London, New York and Los Angeles. He is currently participating in One Yoga London's teacher training Programme, exploring how Feldenkrais can assist in the learning process of Yoga.