18:45 - 19:45
- Clunie Village Hall, Concraigie PH10 6 RJ
- 07814991048
I discovered the Feldenkrais Method during a Feldenkrais holiday in the Sahara desert in 2010. I knew nothing about the method, but really liked the idea of spending a week in the desert. We had one class per day, on a towel in the sand, and I loved the fact that I wasn't told to move a certain way, but guided to explore my own unique way of moving. At the end of the holiday I knew I would train in the method one day.
Many years passed, without any contact with the Feldenkrais method, and then in 2016, I decided the time had come; I was ready to start the new adventure of training to become a practitioner in the method. It was an amazing adventure.
What I have found most fascinating is the way the method has helped me connect with all the dimensions (physical, emotional, mental and spiritual) of my Self through my body; And the way it has helped me understand how I navigate my life.