Barbara McCrea

BA Hons
Feldenkrais Training: London 1990

12 Petunia Crescent, Fish Hoek, Cape Town, South Africa

+27 837 457 086
Classes: Internationally, on-line via Zoom, 3x week.
Workshops: Monthly Live, Sat mornings, Cape Town Southern Suburbs
Individual lessons: Cape Town, Southern Suburbs Daily by Appointment


People with difficulties with movement and posture, pain, stress and anxiety. Specialisation with Equestrians, Swimmers, Stroke and other Neurological Impairment, Children with special needs, Opera Singers.


My interest in Feldenkrais has been sustained for 30 years, because its benefits are so exceptional. I continue to grow and learn with enthusiasm, and hone my skills ever more finely. After completing the first London training in 1990, I taught for 7 years at the Open Centre in Old Street EC1, before turning to my native South Africa. I have pioneered the work in South Africa, where it has been much valued, and taught over 25 workshops for CPD points to physiotherapists and other health professionals. I travel annually to London and Edinburgh to teach.



09:00 - 10:00

Awareness through Movement



09:00 - 10:00

Awareness through Movement
