Diana Walters

Feldenkrais Training: Berkeley 2011
Classes: By appointment
Individual lessons: By appointment


Diana works predominantly with a disabled population, encouraging increased functional movement and decreased pain. She teaches ATM, group lessons as well as offers individual FI lessons, traveling to clients' houses or seeing them in private office space.


Diana came to Feldenkrais through completing a Cortical Field Re-education (CFR) training programme in 2000, having discovered CFR in the late 1990s. She completed the Feldenkrais training in Berkley, California in 2011. Diana did her BA in Community Studies, focusing on the Feldenkrais Method and Physiotherapy; her MA in Integral Health Studies, focusing on patient-centred care, and is currently working on her Ph.D. in Health Psychology. She has been trained and works with clients seeking other complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) techniques, such as CranioSacral Therapy; Therapeutic Massage; Biofeedback Therapy, and acupressure. She also provides consultations regarding improving life style, promoting health and wellness. All of her work is influenced by the principles found in The Feldenkrais Method.