Elana Jeffery

BA Education, Cranio sacral therapy, Theta Healing, Family constellations
Feldenkrais Training: Jerusalem 1994

3 Clyde House, 35 Dover Street, RYDE, Isle of Wight PO33 2BW

07969 252 412


* Parents and children, to help overcome social, behavioural and developmental challenges* Support through stress, physical and emotional (includingillness, separation, change)* Relief for aches and pains (including back, neck, shoulder, knee, wrist)* Enhancing movement for creativity in dance, music andperforming arts


My name is Elana Jeffery. For many years I lived in a Kibbutz on the shores of the Sea of Galilee in the Holy Land. I loved teaching children, seeing how each child is an individual within the group framework. I developed ways to allow each to express themselves authentically, to trust themselves, to make their impact. I explored various ways to further develop my approach, and discovered I identified strongly with the Feldenkrais method. I qualified as a Feldenkrais teacher with Eilat Almagor and Anat Baniel in Jerusalem in 1994, and also studied with Shlomo Efrat, one of the original 12 students of founder Moshe Feldenkrais. This has had a major influence on my work with all ages.

In sessions which include listening, verbal and wordless expression, movement and touch I support and enable self awareness through unconditional acceptance of all who come to me, so you can accept and love yourself.