Jae Gruenke

Feldenkrais Training: Montclair, New Jersey 2003


+1 857 361 6711
Classes: Weekly online Feldenkrais class: https://www.smore.com/d4vem
Workshops: Online workshops for runners, check www.balancedrunner.com for an updated listing.
Individual lessons: For upcoming availability please go to www.edinburghfeldenkrais.co.uk or www.balancedrunner.com.


Jae Gruenke, GCFP, is a Feldenkrais Practitioner and running form expert. Known as a "running form guru," she is the Founder and CEO of The Balanced Runner in New York City and The Balanced Runner UK in Edinburgh. She has helped runners from beginner to Olympian improve their form to become pain-free, economical, and fast. She specializes in helping those whose problems have not resolved with medical treatment and those transitioning to natural running form, minimalist footwear, and barefoot running. Jae also sees golfers, equestrians, skiers, performing artists, seniors, those with chronic illnesses such as MS and Parkinson's, and people from any walk of life who struggle with pain in the activities they love to do.Jae completed her Feldenkrais training in Montclair, New Jersey, in 2003 under the tutelage of David Zemach Bersin. Prior to becoming a Feldenkrais practitioner she was a professional modern dancer and fitness trainer.