Jane Meek

Myofascial Release Practitioner, Body Control Pilates Teacher
Feldenkrais Training: Bad Toelz 2014

75 Glasgow Road, BLANEFIELD G63 9HP

01360 771 742
Classes: All classes online until further notice - Wednesdays
Individual lessons: None currently due to Covid 19 restrictions


My clients include people from all walks of life, from teachers and builders to artists and musicians. My goal is to help everyone and anyone who wants to develop awareness and become the best they can be – on any and every level.


Originally trained as a linguist, I worked as a translator and as a wine educator before becoming interested in myofascial therapy and somatic education. My Feldenkrais practitioner training under Mia Segal opened up new horizons for me, not just on the physical level but in terms of mental creativity and emotional wellbeing. I believe we can all "learn new tricks", whatever our age or background; we can always improve, physically and mentally. Feldenkrais gives us the tools to succeed – let's use them!



10:00 - 11:00

Feldenkrais Group Class
