Jonathan Young

MA Hons
Feldenkrais Training: London 2015

31 Chaucer Close, Berkhamsted, HP4 3PP

07740 475 879
Classes: Thursday evenings online
Individual lessons: Berkhamsted HP4


I bring to my classes warmth, humour, intelligence, a playful curiosity and respect. I aim to be encouraging and supportive of each individual and their learning, particularly those discovering the Feldenkrais Method for the first time. As well as the public, I work a lot with actors and performing artists.


My background is in theatre and movement. I trained with Jacques Lecoq, and since 1998 I've worked freelance as a performer, writer and director, and ran a theatre company creating original work for 11 years. More recently I have begun script writing for screen and stage. I am an experienced facilitator, having taught movement, mask, clowning and writing/devising classes at Birkbeck University, LISPA, Mountview, London Metropolitan University, Birmingham School of Acting and the London International Mime Festival amongst others. In addition to my interest in movement, I am a keen walker, swimmer and dancer.

I discovered Feldenkrais when a friend invited me to a class in 2004. I had previously come across exercises in rehearsal rooms and was curious to find out more. I enjoyed the class, and returned periodically over the following years. But it was not until 2008 when I suffered a knee injury onstage – and lingering pain – that I started to get really curious about the Method, partly out of a need to heal the pain.

Over the coming years, I took more classes and workshops, and began to incorporate Feldenkrais into my warm-ups before going onstage. I soon noticed I could regularly deliver more easeful, grounded and skilful performances as a result – and my knee pain began to lessen substantially too. I was hooked, and hearing that the first training for over 20 years was starting in London in 2011, I enrolled without hesitation. Since then, I have begun to work with both the public and with performers, and have greatly enjoyed sharing the benefits of this work with them.