Kate Hilder

Feldenkrais Training: Lewes 2012

Newholme, Manor Road, Seaton, Devon EX12 2AQ

+44 (0)7976 484 929
Classes: Monday evenings online; Wednesday mornings, Seaton, Devon
Workshops: Monthly on Sundays mornings
Individual lessons: Available in Seaton, East Devon


For the last 20 years I have been teaching and performing movement-based theatre. I started going to Feldenkrais classes in 2003 because I knew a couple of dancers who had just started to teach the work. I loved spending an hour in my inner world, eyes closed, paying attention to physical sensations and I was amazed when I stood up at how such seemingly small and insignificant movements could have such a huge effect. After the class I enjoyed how I moved in new ways, I was aware of more parts of myself, my voice became fuller and deeper and I felt relaxed and content.

From very early on I knew I wanted to train as a Feldenkrais Practitioner and in 2012 I graduated from the Teacher Training. I live between Devon and Ireland where I teach both Feldenkrais and physical theatre classes to dancers and musicians at the University of Limerick. In my private practice I work with a broad spectrum of people of diverse ages and backgrounds.

I also offer weekly online classes to the public on Monday evenings and monthly workshops on Sunday mornings.

The more I delve into this Method, the more there is to explore; behind every door that opens there are many more to walk through. I'm delighted to have found a practice that fascinates me, that I can share with others and which will keep me engaged for the rest of my life.



17:45 - 18:45

Awareness Through Movement



10:00 - 11:00

Awareness Through Movement Class


  • St Gregory's Church Hall, Colyford Road, Seaton, Devon EX12 2DF
  • 07976 484 929
  • Website