Raewyn Morrison

Craniosacral Therapy, Ortho-Bionomy, Holistic Massage & Movement Lesson
Feldenkrais Training: Lewes 1999

Fiveways Therapy Centre, 2 Kenwood Road, SHEFFIELD S7 1NP

07931 562 358
Individual lessons: Fiveways Therapy Centre, Sheffield S7, and New Cross Therapy Centre London SE14


People come to see me for a variety of reasons: for help with injuries (both recent and long term); aches, pains and stiffness; muscular spasm, trauma and tension; neurological difficulties; brain damage; birth trauma for both mother and baby; to improve posture; to help with balance; reducing stress mental, emotional and physical; tiredness; move freely and improve their health. Clients also come to improve skills and focus e.g. musicians, dancers, actors, teachers, sports activities. I also work with babies and children including those with special needs.
Mostly people come to let go of restrictions causing discomfort and pain, enjoy flexibility and good health.


I became interested in body work therapies following a period of back pain, when a friend recommended that I try Ortho-Bionomy. It was gentle, non-intrusive and effective and I was soon free of pain. I was so impressed that I decided to train as a practitioner; I trained with Arthur Pauls in both England and Switzerland, becoming a member of the Society of Ortho-Bionomy in 1989.

Prior to this I trained in Holistic Massage gaining my ITEC certificate in 1988. My first experience of massage was in 1981 in the Sinai desert from a Bedouin, I still remember that massage, particularly the loosening of the tissues either side of my spine, it was fantastic.

To compliment these disciplines I was later drawn to The Feldenkrais Method, an effective way of learning how to improve posture, relieve aches and pains, reduce excessive muscular effort, move freely, using movement to teach the brain. I became a registered feldenkrais practitioner in 1999. Feldenkrais utilizes our brain's capacity for learning and is a somatic educational system,- learning from within, mind body movement. Discovering areas of my body could move, that previously I hadn't even been aware of, has been a delight. I have also done various advanced trainings including Ruthy Alon: Bones for Life; and Solutions 1&2. Also "Working with Children"-in Sweden and Michelle Turner Movement Lesson.

I was interested in Craniosacral Therapy, a gentle approach to healing the body, mind and spirit. I completed my training in 2008, becoming a registered Craniosacral therapist. Rather than focus on disease, craniosacral therapy aims to concentrate on the full health potential of the individual; building resource, through stillness, balance and inner calm. It's also about resolving long-standing health issues through accessing these deep levels. The sense of calm and balance after a session can be magic.

In 2014 after working with a baby with severe brain damage, I started "WORKING with CHILDREN", an advanced training in Malmo Sweden. Based on the work of Moshe Feldenkrais and Anat Baniel, using body plasticity or neuroplasticity, the focus is on babies and children with brain, neurological difficulties and special needs. To enhance this work further, between 2018- 2020 I trained with Michelle Turner in Movement Lesson. To see a challenged baby or child learn new skills, previously not thought possible, is delightful and very rewarding.

I use Feldenkrais individually or to compliment the other therapies, as is appropriate, or requested, to the needs of the individual.
