Robert Vesty

BA (hons), MA, PhD
Feldenkrais Training: London 2015
07962 371 595


I do FIs from my home in East London on Saturdays by appointment.


I am a performer and lecturer living and working in London. I originally trained as an actor but these days I dance as well, so my performance practice has increasingly become interdisciplinary over the past decade or so. I work with the tool of instant composition, bringing voicing and moving together. In addition, I work with a small ‘stable’ of dance artists called anthologyofamess. I have worked at Middlesex University since 2010 where I am a Senior Lecturer in Theatre specialising in movement for actors, Programme Leader of the MA in Professional Arts Practice and co-chair of the LGBT+ network. In 2020 I completed my PhD thesis entitled Material Words for Voicing Dancers (Royal Holloway University of London). The practice-led research looked into the use of voice in some dance improvisatory performance practices. I graduated from the London II training as a practitioner of the Feldenkrais Method® in August 2015.
