Rosemarie Morgan-Watson

LRCST, ACS (Voice), Dip. Psych.Couns., MBSR Teacher
Feldenkrais Training: Sussex 2010

Ravenhurst, Leys Hill, Walford, Ross-on-Wye Herefordshire HR9 5QU

01989 710292
Classes: Monday and Tuesday mornings on Zoom at the moment (January 2023)
Individual lessons: on Zoom


In these times of working on Zoom, I prefer small classes. Maximum of 6 with hour long classes or 8 when offering a series of 30 min lessons. I have a mixture of participants with the majority as "young" seniors full of enthusiasm


I first attended Feldenkrais lessons in 1985 and used the principles in my work as a Speech and Language Therapist, specialising in voice, and head and neck cancer. Since leaving the NHS in 2006, I have experienced life afresh and developed new skills, including mindfulness, which fully integrates my way of working now. My personal organisation has changed through this work, resolving pain from an old back injury. I love the diversity and individual growth this approach encourages.
Having moved to Herefordshire in 2021, I am looking to establish classes locally at Bishopswood Village Hall, attracting new interest in this method for wellbeing and fitness.



09:45 - 10:45

Rosemarie Morgan-Watson


  • 07399 620833 / 01989 710292
  • Email | Website
  • Essential to book please phone/e-mail to book a place. Numbers limited Regular classes re-start October 2023


09:00 - 10:00

Awareness Through Movement


  • 07399 620833 / 01989 710292
  • Email | Website
  • Essential to book, please call or e-mail Limited places available