Simone Kenyon

MA Practising Performance, Ba (Hons) Contemporary Arts
Feldenkrais Training: London 2015

73 Boltby Lane, Buttershaw, BRADFORD BD6 2AJ

07806 946 116


I work with a wide-range of people and contexts within my Feldenkrais and artistic practice.I predominantly work in the arts and performance sector facilitating movement skills for performance and dance students.I often facilitate creative workshops that incorporate Feldenkrais for a variety of arts venues and festivals. I often lead day or weekend workshops exploring my particular interest in Walking and Feldenkrais. These workshops have taken place in both city and remote rural areas and have attracted participants of all ages and abilities.


Simone Kenyon is a UK based artist, dance maker and Feldenkrais student teacher. Her dance and creative practice for the past 20 years encompasses contemporary dance and somatic practices, walking arts and delivering participatory events and workshops for a wide range of artistic and somatic contexts. Her solo work performance and artwork explores walking as a choreographic practice, sensory experiences in relation to our environments and ecological perspectives. She has a wide breadth of knowledge and skills informing how she creates work for and with specific places and people. She is often invited to work with other performance makers and works on collaborative projects including her 9-year collaboration with dance artists Neil Callaghan. Recent works have been presented at Fierce Festival, Birmingham, The Hayward Gallery and Sadlers Wells, London and has toured internationally in China. She is currently a Phd Candidate at the University of Leeds and her research continues to explore the embodied experiences and writing of Nan Shepherd in her book, The Living Mountain to investigate and map experiential understandings of place and making site-based performance for mountainous environments.