Steven Whinnery

Reiki Level 2
Feldenkrais Training: Sussex 2014

Flat 6F, 171 Wynford Road, Maryhill, GLASGOW G20 8DU

0141 237 5329
Classes: Monday 12 noon, and Tuesday 6.15 pm Central Glasgow
Individual lessons: I'm available to do Functional Interation Lessons at my own or client's home


I work with people from all types of backgrounds, ages and occupations. As I have a background in the arts I have a particular affinity with actors and musicians. Also because of my own health conditions I can offer insights for those dealing with back problems, and those living and coping with depression


I trained originally as an actor, and worked as an actor/musician/devisor in physical theatre. I'm also a director, a mask maker, an artist and for a time was as a sign language interpreter specializing in theatre interpreting. I came to the Feldenkrais Method having suffered for many years from both debilitating back pain and clinical depression and found it was the only thing that gave me lasting relief from these chronic conditions I had struggled with since my early teens. It is a wonderful non-invasive, non-psychological, jargon-free and extremely gentle way of addressing both the physical and mental aspects of our being and functioning. I believe it has much to offer those who want to engage actively with their physical as well as emotional and mental health.